Deputy Political Editor, Sunday Express (April 2022 - Current role)

• Writing news and features for the Sunday Express and leaders for the Daily Express, two of the UK’s leading newspapers.


• I specialise in politics in the broadest sense, including health, education, transport, welfare reform, business, foreign affairs and the economy.

• I build lasting relationships with senior figures in government, business, public services and academia 

• I help lead the Sunday Express’ political coverage, advising the Editor and other senior staff and taking part in editorial meetings.

• I commission content from journalists and outside contributors including senior politicians.

• I create online content for mobile, tablet and PC/Mac. I’m experienced in use of content management systems and analytics tools. I can edit content directly in HTML if needed.

• I have created and managed a newsletter using the Pure360 content management system.

• I host and chair online video events, including hustings and interviews.

• I am primarily a writer but I also shoot and edit video, source photographs and take part in podcasts.  


Midlands Political Editor, Reach PLC (2021 - 2022)

Created and edited a new email newsletter

Regional Political Editor, Reach PLC (2014 - 2021)

Lobby correspondent covering the West Midlands and North East

Political Editor, Birmingham Post and Mail (2003 - 2014)

Political Correspondent, Birmingham Post (2001 - 2003)

Education Correspondent, Birmingham Post (1999 - 2001)

I am an experienced journalist specialising in politics and working as Deputy Political Editor for the Sunday Express, based in Westminster as a member of the Lobby.

I have made regular television appearances as a newspaper reviewer. I use social media such as Twitter and Facebook to promote my work.

I have managed and presented video broadcasts such as Facebook Live events. I have also created and edited a newsletter. I am experienced in the use of CMS systems such as CUE and Escenic, including basic layout, adding photographs and captions and SEO best practice. 

As Deputy Political Editor for the Sunday Express I research and write articles which appear in the newspaper and online. I take part in editorial conferences, helping to guide the direction of the paper.  I also commission and edit articles from outside contributors including senior politicians.

Examples of my work can be seen at

In the past I have written for the Mirror. Samples of my work for them are here:

In a previous role I edited and published stories which appeared on the Birmingham Live news website (, one of the UK’s largest news websites. 

I also created and edited a newsletter product called Midlands Message for Reach PLC, owners of the Sunday Express. This used a newsletter CMS system called Pure 360. I drew up a pitch for the newsletter which was accepted by the company, and oversaw the design and branding. As editor I commissioned copy from reporters and outside contributors, produced the newsletter and managed the mailing list.

An example of the Midlands Message newsletter is here:

I began my career working in traditional printed media and have learned new skills as the industry has changed, including the use of Content Management Systems and analytics tools.

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